Learn SalesforceDX Installation and tutorial

Hello folks,

Nice to see here again 😎 
Today Iam happy to explain you about salesforceDX.

What is salesforce DX ?

SalesforceDx is modern and easy way to built and access apps on force.com in entire life cycle. It contains great command-line interface (CLI) removes the complexity of working with your Salesforce org for development, continuous integration, and delivery

Steps to install salesforceDX

1. In order to access new salesforceDX you active devhub in your org or you need to create new developer org from below url
login new org https://developer.salesforce.com/promotions/orgs/dx-signup
2. Install the CLI using the links below based on your operating system .
Operating System Link to Installer
macOS                                https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_osx
Windows 32-bit                 https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_win
Windows 64-bit                 https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_win64
Debian/Ubuntu 64           https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_linux
Debian/Ubuntu x86         https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_linux_x86

3. after download install file and run it open, with above package with predefined gitbash also installed in your org
4. open gitbash and click

4. type sfdxforce
5. type

sfdx force --help

6. connect your salesforce org

sfdx force:auth:web:login

7. login into org provide credentials

sfdx force:org:list

8. Create a new project in your local system

sfdx force:project:create -n NewProjectName

9.open folder and open code console

Cd NewProjectName
code .
need to download form this link visual studio code and add Salesforce Extensions for VS Code too

10.To create new lighting component in our local org and force-app\main\default\aura is repository where we need to store our new lightning component

sfdx force:lightning:component:create -n myDXcomp -d force-app\main\default\aura
11.create a new apex class

sfdx force:apex:class:create -n DXclass -d force-app\main\default\aura
12.push code into org

sfdx force:source:push
13.In order to push you need to create a default dev org

sfdx force:config:set defaultdevhubusername=your@dx.com
14.Next push code into dev org need to create a strach org

sfdx force:org:create -s -f config\project-scratch-def.json
15.try to push again

sfdx force:source:push
16.to open org

sfdx force:org:open
17.to know status

sfdx force:source:status
18.to know changes made on your org

sfdx force:source:pull
19.assign permission to scratch org users

sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n
20. To run test classes on salesforceDX

sfdx force:apex:test:run -r human
21. create a new project

sfdx force:project:create -n projectname myDXproject --defaultpackagedir dh-app
22. tree is used find structure



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