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Display List of Accounts with delete button on Lightning Component
Hi Guys, Today Iam here to explain how to display list of accounts with delete button on Lightning component. Business case : User need to show list of accounts and with delete button on display their page Solution : we helped by designing lightning component
Step1 : Create a controller class Path setup- UserMenu – Developer Console -File-New Apex Class
public class AccController {
public static List getAccounts() {
return [SELECT Id, name, industry, Type, NumberOfEmployees, TickerSymbol, Phone
FROM Account ORDER BY createdDate ASC];
Step2 : Create a lightning Component Path setup- UserMenu – Developer Console -File-New Lightning Component
Account List Component
Step3 : Create Controller for lightning Component Path : Click on controller left side of our lightning component or with shortcut ctrl+shift+2
Account List controller
Step4 : Create helper for lightning Component Path : Click on helper left side of our lightning component or with shortcut ctrl+shift+3
Account List helper js
Step5 : Create lightning Component application Path : setup- UserMenu – Developer Console -File-New Lightning Application
Account List application
Hola !! , we have seen list of accounts with delete button
Download: SalesforceQA
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