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Disable Identity Confirmation in salesforce
Display button on click on checkbox
Hello Guys,
Today I am facing error that while i am entering into my salesforce org. I find out salesforce org is requesting to check our identity, It send me to check my verification to my email and need to paste code on our salesforce login page . So I though it make issue while i am working on major escalation and need to passed this issue . I found the google chrome plugin and which helps me to reslove that in a couple of minutes so i like to share here. I know lot of developer got same issue as faced to me.
I have posted a video for more clarification on Disable Identity Confirmation in salesforce.
In order to resolve that error .I find out a google chrome plugin Whitelist All IPs for salesforce.
Click on below link to install Whitelist All IPs for Salesforce extenstion
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/whitelist-all-ips-for-sal/nnlnikmkkbpgioojghgojoejgcheilic?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog- 1. Add extenstion to google chrome browser.
- 2. Login into your salesforce org.
- 3. Go to setup- Security control – network Access
- 4. You will find new button called Whitelist All IPs
- 5. Click on it and sit for relax
- 6. Hola !!! .. Now you can able to login anywhere without ip restriction.
Comment use if you face any problems while implementing
Download: SalesforceQA
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